Wednesday 31 May 2017

Fantasy: Batgirl Part III: A Whole New Kind of Sting

He left her hanging out the window for a while, panting and dribbling cum, before finally releasing the windowpane which held her. He reached out the window to grab her hair, and used it to yank her back inside, where she landed in a heap on the floor. She saw that the man’s cock was already back inside his pants. In fact, to all appearances he’d been involved in no strenuous activity at all; he could have been reading the newspaper a few minutes ago, rather than relentlessly pounding her sloppy pussy.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Fantasy: Batgirl Part II: Sting

The worst part about the semi-public spanking Batgirl was receiving was that it was so unpredictable. The grey-eyed man continually adjusted the force with which he landed his blows, and there seemed to be no pattern to the order he would strike her right and left cheeks. If there had been a pattern she could have learned to anticipate the blows, to prepare herself, but every one took her by surprise. Maybe that was the pattern; perhaps he sensed her steeling herself for a blow on one side, and used that as a guide to aim the blow in the other direction.

She had long stopped glancing up at the sidewalk to look for witnesses. She just hoped nobody would walk by – or, if they did, that they wouldn’t look up at just the wrong moment and see this nude, blushing woman, breasts bouncing hither and yon as she was administered her spanking.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Fantasy: Batgirl Part I: Spiderweb

Batgirl’s head cleared quickly, but she didn’t know how long she’d been unconscious. She kept her eyes closed, playing possum until she could gauge the situation. Her wrists were bound above her head, so her arms were getting sore; soon she’d need to reassert the strength in her legs and stand, to relieve the ache, but for now she let them dangle limply beneath her, hanging from her restraints, to keep up the ruse.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Sheer: Part I

The tone of this story is kind of weird. I wrote much of it when I was feeling very optimistic about myself, and then came back to edit it at a time when I was feeling like unattractive dog shit, and then I did a final pass when I simply didn’t care much about Sheer anymore. So, while the facts are all definitely correct, the tone probably veers back and forth between wild optimism and bitter pessimism.