Wednesday 8 February 2017

Too Good to be True

One of the features of Ashley Madison that had always fascinated me, yet which I’d never had occasion to use, was the Travelling Man feature. Going to another city for work? Bring your A-M profile with you! Temporarily set it to your new location, so that all the women there who are looking for a one-night stand can start getting in line.

From the moment they introduced the feature, A-M was pimping it hard. Every time you log into the site there’s an animation in the top right corner of the browser of a plane landing, which cuts to a picture of a bed with sheets a-flyin’ – someone’s obviously gettin it on! – and then the man pokes his dishevelled head out, followed by the wide smile of some married lady – followed by the broad smile of another lady! Travelling men, take the hint: All you need to do is use this feature, and you’ll be coated in slick, wet, willing pussies.

Unfortunately, when I finally got the chance to try it out, I found out it’s a terrible feature. You tell it what city you’re going to, set some criteria for the women you’d like to fuck… er… meet, and then it… spams every chick in the city who meets your criteria with your message. That’s it. It doesn’t even change the location of your profile, it leaves you where you are, so anyone logging in from your destination city is not going to see you as being nearby.

Worse than that, it doesn’t use credits, you have to pay separately with a credit card. After being hacked and exposing our credit card information all over the internet, these greedy fools have the gall to demand separate credit card payment for this feature, rather than allowing one to use the credits one has already bought?

But what the hell, right? You only live once, so I figured I’d try it anyway. When I got booked into a travelling assignment, and found myself in a new city for a week, I got myself a burner credit card1, paid my fee, and sent my message. (It was at this point that I realized Travelling Man is just a big ol’ spam message. Up until now, I was still assuming this was something you’d set on your profile, and then turn off when you go back home.)

Here’s the story.

An Asian lady and her pussy

I don’t get many responses to my spam message. Of the ones I do get, 90% are ladies who are politely declining me, which is unnecessarily courteous of them. Apparently the women in this town, even the adulterous ones, are nothing if not polite.

But one of the replies shows more interest. Her name on the site is mp2, but I later find out her name is Sophie. She’s Asian, single, and 32. (Not my usual magical age of 23.) She messages me on a Saturday morning, while I happen to be in the office. I’m not planning to leave town until Wednesday evening, so I this could work out nicely.

She starts by sending me her private photos, of which there are two. So… off to a good start, I guess: she’s pretty, and she’s anatomically correct. The fact that she’s sent her photos doesn’t mean that much on its own, some women do that and then that’s the end of it, but on the heels of this she sends another message: “Where in town are you staying?” Now that is a good sign! She’s indicating her interest with her photos, but she’s also read the words in my message. These two things together are promising.

We trade a couple of messages back and forth, full of amateurish, weak double-entendres on my side and a passing interest on hers. Before too long we take it out of A-M and into Gmail, as is my wont. Luckily for me, she is also in Gmail, which always makes things easier.

My plan is to finish work around noon, grab some lunch (or a nap, since I’m not yet used to the time zone difference), and then go sightseeing in the afternoon with a colleague. I email back and forth with Sophie for the rest of the morning, then go to Fatburger for lunch, and have something called a Hawaiian Cheeseburger, which is so good I want to get it pregnant2.

I’m supposed to meet my colleague at the mall, and I get there before she does, so I use the time to continue emailing my new A-M friend.

Too good to be true

It’s while I’m at the mall that I get my first inkling that Sophie might be too good to be true. I ask her why she’s on A-M, and she gives me the type of answer that men hope single girls on A-M will give: between work and travel she is too busy for a real boyfriend, all she wants is sex, and when she dates single guys they always end up wanting more than she’s willing to provide – which, you’ll recall, is sex – so she comes to A-M where there won’t be any misunderstandings. (About the fact that all she really wants is sex.)

She didn’t keep repeating the thing about sex, I’m just being over the top, but it’s not her words I’m focused on, it’s the concept: If I was making up a fantasy girl to go on A-M, that’s exactly what she’d say – and it’s what Sophie is saying. So a small warning bell is going off in the back of my mind: I don’t think this girl is real. I’ve heard of A-M staffers creating fake accounts, and sometimes even responding from those accounts to keep men interested in their lacklustre site, so I start to wonder if maybe this is one of those cases.

However, there is also a chance that Sophie is real, and that she’s getting wet just thinking about my hard, throbbing cock (and her desire to have it inserted somewhere inside her body), so I continue to play it as if she’s a real person. (Note: Despite my earlier comment about my amateurish, weak double entendres, I had not used the phrase “hard, throbbing cock” at any point in our conversations. So when Sophie disappears in the next paragraph – spoiler alert – don’t blame my ham-fistedness.) Frankly, it’s no skin off my back if this is a fake account. True, I won’t get to fuck her, but I’m amusing myself at this point, whether she’s real or not.

In fact, I play it so real that I invite her to join me for dinner, once my sightseeing is done. I recognize that it’s short notice, but since we have such a connection (I say), assuming she is actually real (I think, but don’t say), I figure I have to go for it.

At this point, nothing happens. Very shortly thereafter, nothing continues to happen. And throughout the rest of the afternoon, while I’m sightseeing with my colleague, I constantly check and recheck my email, to confirm that, yes, nothing is persistently continuing to happen. So this clinches it, in my mind: Sophie is definitely a fake account, being controlled by someone at A-M who is fucking with my head, in the hopes of keeping me hooked on the site. As soon as I express interest in seeing her in person, she disappears.

She comes begging for more

Please note the tone of this entire post. Keeping in mind the tone will help you to decode the word “begging” in the heading above.

As mentioned, this all happens on Saturday. I am back in the office on Sunday, and working kind of late, when I get another message from Sophie. “Sorry, I’m just getting your message now. Are you enjoying the town? Have you met anyone from A-M yet?” I respond with something inconsequential, and that’s that.

She’s not done begging for more

Then, on Monday, things get interesting. Another message from Sophie, out of the blue: “Awfully forward question: What are you into, sexually?”

We exchange a few emails, and confirm that Sophie is submissive in the bedroom, and wonders if I’d be comfortable with that. Of course I respond that I would be. Then, right on schedule, the conversation ends again.

Around 1:30AM Monday night (i.e. Tuesday morning), Sophie responds to my last email. She has a “rather weird confession” to make, which is that one of the things that turns her on about dating married guys is the idea of doing things to/with them (or letting them do things to her) that their wives won’t do. She then asks if there are things I’ve never done before, that I’d like to.

For reasons that I don’t remember, I don’t get back to her until noon on Tuesday, which is out of character for me. When it comes to adultery I’m usually more more prompt. Maybe I’m just taking my time because I’m still assuming she isn’t a real person? And let’s be honest: “I like the idea of doing things with guys that they can’t do with their wives” – again, if I was scripting this for a made up woman (or for porn), this is exactly what she’d say. (In a breathy voice.)

Nevertheless, I finally respond, and tell her that this isn’t a weird confession at all; that I assume any single girl on A-M probably feels the same way. I also respond to her questions about sexual things, which you probably don’t want to read about (whoever you are), though it’s nothing shocking.

Things start to get interesting

5:30PM she responds again. I’m still at the office, but I’ve been getting emails from A-M constantly throughout the day (mostly along the lines of “so-and-so has opened your priority email,” from all of those Travelling Man spams), so Gmail is open the entire time, which means I get Sophie’s email immediately. And, despite my continuing assumption that she’s not a real being, my pulse quickens, because if she is real… that would be awesome.

Going further on the conversation we’ve been having so far, she tells me some things that she enjoys in the bedroom, all of a submissive nature and not overly surprising, and also mentions that she has no patience for a man who’d ever call her a bitch in real life, yet in the bedroom she really gets off on being called a bitch or a whore or a dumb cunt.

After another email or two she mentions that she uses Google Hangouts, and would I be able to chat with her there? Indeed I do use Google Hangouts, so I tell her so, and we move from email to chat.

At this point the conversation is starting to get more personal. I won’t give a blow-by-blow, but I’ll hit some of the highlights.

Sophie is originally from Cambodia, and it turns out that there is a very high ratio of females to males in Cambodia. The men have been so decimated by conscription and wars and communist genocide that there are two or three women for every man left. So, as a consequence, it’s very normal for a man to have a wife as well as one or more live-in girlfriends, with all of them getting along well, and the live-in girlfriends providing toward the household finances just like everyone else. (At time of writing I have yet to verify if this is true; based on some quick scans of the internet for gender distribution in Cambodia, I don’t think it is, but it’s not 100% off, either.)

Because of this cultural phenomenon, Sophie’s psychology is hardwired such that she quite likes the idea of being a man’s secondary girlfriend, or mistress. And, frankly, she’s taking it a step even further: she likes the idea of being considered unimportant in her man’s eyes, so that she’s not just his mistress, she’s his worthless sex toy. She tells me that if she ever gets married, she’ll be totally fine if her husband wants to go to A-M for some strange, though she herself isn’t really open to sharing her body with multiple men at once, so it’s not an open marriage she’s looking for, she just likes the idea of him having multiple women (of which she is one).

Sometime around this point in the conversation I mention that I’m leaving the office (it’s 9PM), and that I’d be open to meeting her, if there’s a bar or a coffeehouse or something nearby. It turns out that she’s quite close to my hotel (which has a bar), but she’s still working, and not sure if she’ll be able to come meet me. (Again, this is not shocking to me, given my reservations about her existence.)

The conversation continues…

We talk about her submissive nature again. Things get somewhat complex here – and English is not her first language (if she’s real) – but the basic concept is that she is turned on by viewing sex as a form of punishment. What is she being punished for? For wanting sex, I think; or maybe for getting any pleasure from it, when all of the pleasure is supposed to go to her male partner. As I say, it’s a complex topic, and she seems frustrated by her lack of ability to properly explain it to me. At one point, she says this, which might sum it up:
regarding price to pay / value : see if i can explain it more accurately... ok.. its like a form of cock worship.. surrendering yourself to the idea that a mans cock is worth so much that withholding your own orgasm only to please him, is not only worthy.. but generous of him even.
She also says that she gets off on showing the man that he is ultimately worth much more than she is.

This eventually leads into the idea that it turns her on to consider her own pussy “unworthy.” This part of the conversation starts by her asking me if degrading women turns me on, and she asks me to give her some examples from porn where it’s a turn-on for me (to which my answer is very tepid, because degrading women is not a turn-on for me, though contrary examples can always be found), then she turns it around and tells me that ass-to-mouth and ass-to-pussy really turn her on. As an aside, she points me to a Tumblr which is full of pictures about how pussies should be ignored during sex, and that sex should be all about the ass or the mouth. It’s all about “degrading pussies,” according to this Tumblr, which is something Sophie seems to get off on.

During all of this she has a habit of driving the conversation by asking me questions, and now this becomes even more pronounced. Would it be hot to do A-T-P if she was into it? Would it be hot if she didn’t care about the consequences3, and wanted it anyways? Would it be hot if we did ATP, knowing the consequences, but feeling that it didn’t matter because even if she did have to pay the consequences she would deserve it? Would it be hot if we did it over and over, until we could make sure we cause an infection? For the gentle reader who is wondering about my reaction, no, the idea of giving her an infection – whether on purpose or as an unplanned side effect – is not a turn-on for me. She, on the other hand, loves the idea of degrading her pussy, and making it “as dirty as her ass.”

The topic changes, at this point, but the conversation is still being driven by her questions: Would it turn me on if we started seeing each other, and she is seeing nobody else other than me, even though I’m free to stay on A-M and see other women as much as I’d like? Would it excite me if she chose to start blowing off her family, and spending her vacations coming to my city to visit me instead of going back to Cambodia to visit them? (On her dime, of course, because sacrificing for her man’s needs is part of the whole deal, for her.) If she made my cock more important to her than her family? (These are her words! A direct quote: “how would you feel if I made your cock more important than my family? as if you cumming in my pussy gave me more life than my mother ever could?”)

A scenario that seems to especially turn her on, and she wants to know if it turns me on as much: She books a trip to my city, just to see me, and at the last minute my plans change (i.e. I get called away to be with my wife), so all Sophie gets is a chance to lick my pre-cum before I get called away.

By this point in the conversation it’s 3AM, and I have to get up in a few hours. Much as it pains me to tear myself away from the conversation, I have no choice.

The end?

And this is the end of the story of Sophie. After this, I don’t hear from her again. I message her on Hangouts again Wednesday morning, and then send her an email on Thursday, when I’m back home, just to say that I’m hoping we can stay in touch.

I’m still unsure what to believe about Sophie. On the one hand, she still seems too good to be true. (And all of the “would it turn you on if… would you like it if…” questions almost feel like market research, so the person controlling this fake A-M account could know what to say to the next poor man who comes along!)

But on the other hand, it seems so over the top to think that someone running a fake account would stay up until the wee hours of the night, have Tumblr blog URLs ready to insert into the conversation, and have such an involved (and in-depth) conversation. Though, of course, I don’t know what time zone this person would be in; maybe A-M has an offshore division running their fake accounts, and 3AM for me was 9AM for them… (“Time to get up, have my coffee, and talk dirty to some horny Canadian guy about degrading my worthless pussy!”)


  • 1 This is a term I’ve never seen anyone else using.
  • 2 It’s not pertinent to the story, however… I relish my memories of that burger almost as much as I relish my memories of Sophie. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Sophie isn’t yet a memory, at this point in the story, she’s the woman I’m assuming I’ll be fucking later on in the evening.
  • 3 For those who don’t spend time thinking about such things: ass-to-pussy is quite unhygienic, and there’s a huge risk of the girl getting an infection in her vagina from this activity. Pornstars make sure to thoroughly clean out their asses before doing any kind of anal play, so porn can be quite deceiving in this regard, since they make ATP seem quite commonplace. (Whereas anal in any way, shape or form isn’t exactly common, in real life – let alone pulling it out of her ass and sticking it back in her mouth or in her pussy!)

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